
A sweet alternative to plastic packaging with the potential to save thousands of tonnes of CO2

1st Jun 2018

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A NEW 'greener' plastic mailing bag has launched in the UK which has the potential to save CO2 emissions equivalent to a plane flying around the world over 10,000 times*.

Myhermes was the first brand in the UK to make the switch to GreenPE mailing bags

But more recently outdoor retailer SportPursuit, has become the first ecommerce site to take the leap and invest in 100% sugarcane GreenPE mailing bag.

Anthony Brimelow, added: “As more and more retailers switch their mailing bags from fossil derived polythene to sugarcane GreenPE, we will significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Instead, we’ll be making use of a renewable crop that grows all year round and actually captures and stores CO2 from the atmosphere.

“Let’s be realistic, packaging is a necessity but it isn’t one that has to put such a strain on the world’s natural resources. As a polythene manufacturer we’re committed to reducing our dependency on virgin plastic, re-using packaging waste and sourcing sustainable materials such as GreenPE. Our closed loop recycling programme offers a solution to save both traditional polythene and GreenPE waste from landfill and re-use it to produce new products, further reducing our dependency on finite resources.”
