> Duo UK
15th Nov 2021
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COP26 is a milestone moment in the transition to a circular economy. Collaboration and changes to businesses models are actions that can be used to respond to the global climate crisis.
Earlier this year we were invited to participate in the REDUCES project (Rethinking Sustainable Development in European Regions by Using Circular Economy Business Models) in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University.
The aim of the project is to identify the best business models in six European regions (Manchester being one) and find suggestions for each city and region to guide them towards sustainable circular business models.
Moving to a sustainable and circular business model has been a driver for many key decisions at Duo for many years. Polyethylene is a valuable and recyclable material that can be used to manufacture new packaging products, the challenge therefore was to capture this waste stream.
Firstly, we worked together with our clients to create bespoke packaging products with the full life cycle in mind. Consultancy with companies’ design teams helps design out waste and ensure returned waste can be reused. This in turn enabling Duo to retain a valuable source of high quality waste that can be recycled and reused. Some online retailers have around 40% of items returned, so packaging items are also designed into bespoke ‘best fit’ packaging with the ability to be re-used for the returns process. Finally, we have worked with our clients to collect the returned packaging, creating a closed loop in the recycling and manufacturing process.
Further to this, investment in and use of Green Polyethylene derived from sugar cane (GreenPE) in the production of mailing bags has created products that are carbon negative and carbon neutral. Duo was the first company in the world to do so in 2014.
For more information about Duo’s circular business model and the REDUCES project visit: https://www.interregeurope.eu/policylearning/good-practices/item/5438/duo-closed-loop-recycled-and-sustainable-packaging/