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The recommerce market is growing, and fast. Understandably, brands want to be part of this growth journey and are weaving circularity into operating models and sales strategies to reduce their environmental impact and remain relevant to consumers, particularly Gen Z. This generation is widely regarded as driving the growth of recommerce, with their increasingly resourceful consumerism influencing the behaviours and habits of other generational groups.

In this report we present the findings from research with over 1000 Gen Z consumers to uncover how their consumption habits, and the growing recommerce market, will reshape retail supply chains.

Included in this report:

  • The consumption habits and expectations of Gen Zs when shopping online
  • What’s driving their love of recommerce
  • How retailers’ packaging strategies need to adapt not only to meet the needs of Gen Zs, but to prioritise a circular approach to reduce their environmental impact.
  • Download a free copy of the report by completing the form below:

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